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Maria Davey

With over 20 years of experience caring for individuals as an Auxiliary Nurse, Health Care Assistance, Companion and even as a Police Community Support Officer,  I have a passion for caring and companionship.


This passion was sparked by my first full time position in a Nursing Home many moons ago in Hassocks, West Sussex. Initially I was a bit daunted at the thought of helping another person eat and dress, but I soon felt the rewards it gave to me and so it didn’t take long until I was hooked on putting smiles on peoples faces!


This first experience proved invaluable - whilst working in the Nursing Home, I learnt about the challenges many of us face later in life, whether it’s finding oneself unable to grip a cup or how to cope with the start of memory loss. Every individual has a different need and I understand that dignity, independence, trust and respect are so important to my clients, as it is to me.

Maria Davey Managing Director Maria's Home Care Companions

I have also worked for Sussex Police as a witness care officer and the Metropolitan Police Service as a Police Community Support Officer carrying out a wide range of roles.  I believe that all of these experiences will help me and our team deliver a unique service to you or your loved ones.


Maria Davey


Managing Director and Home Care Companion.

Maria received an award from the High Sheriff of East Sussex and the Lord lieutenant

Awards & Recognition 

High Sheriff of East Sussex Award 2018


Maria received an award from the High Sheriff of East Sussex and the Lord lieutenant for the voluntary work carried out at social club The Deans Senior Tea Club. Brighton town Hall 2018.

High Sheriff of East Sussex Award 2016


The Deans Senior Tea Club received an award on Thursday 17th March from the High Sheriff of East Sussex - in recognition of great and valuable service to the community!


We were honoured to have been invited and receive an award.


 With great thanks our Tea Club was also awarded £20o.

Halifax Giving Extra Award 2015

Maria Davey was recognised by the Halifax bank for her work with The Deans Senior Tea Club charity. 

'The Halifax Giving Extra Awards recognise and reward those extraordinary people who give extra in their local community.'



Find out more about The Deans Senior Tea Club charity

The Deans Senior Tea Club Charity
Maria Davey Receiving Halifax giving Extra Award
Maria Davey Carer of the Year featured in the Argus Newspaper

Maria wins Carer of the Year at 'The Argus Community Star Awards' 2015


Maria Davey was presented with her Carer of the Year award at the 14th annual Argus Community Stars Awards in November.


'Once a witness care officer and PSCO, Maria Davey now works tirelessly as a home carer helping the elderly with day to day tasks.


The Mother of two founded the Deans Senior Tea Club which now hosts 4 sessions a week with 100 attendees meeting each week for lunch.


Maria funds most of the cost herself as well as through donations.


Her goal is to help break the isolation suffered by many older people'.


Find out more about The Argus Community Stars Awards 2015

Maria receives Unsung Heroes award 


In April 2015 Maria Davey was  presented with an 'Unsung Hero' Award by by Lewes District Council. This was in recognition of her 'service to others in the community.' Maria was nominated by two of her Deans Senior Tea Club members!

Maria Davey Unsung Hero Certificate
Maria Davey receives her Unsung Hero award
Maria Davey Featured in The Argus Newspaper 2014

Maria Shortlisted for Carer of the Year award 2014


Extract from the Argus Newspaper 2014:


A Woman who set up a tea club in a bid to help the elderly with loneliness has received a much deserved nomination.


Maria set up the Deans Senior Tea Club in November 2013 to help solve the problem of isolation among the elderly.


She hoped to provide somewhere safe and fun for seniors to meet, chat, play games and drink tea - all out of her own pocket. Jay Davey who nominated Maria, said: "The Club started with just four people showing up to the first meeting in November but Maria didnt give up.  Now they have 35 to 45 regular members and new attendees each week - all funded by Maria, who gives up all her spare time to advertise and host it all."


A Recent tea dance attracted more than 80 elderly residents. Simon Kirby MP, Mayor Wayne Botting and the Argus all came along to see for themselves what a difference the club makes to people. The Mayor was so impressed that he has asked Maria to host a weekly event at the Telscombe civic Centre.


Jay added: " It's Maria's dream to have a weekly club in each of the Deans, Telscombe, Newhaven and Peacehaven."

Marias Home Care Companions Ltd

59-61 Marine Drive,


BN2 7HQ 


Registered in England and Wales 
VAT: 313116161 
Companies House Number: 10839318 

Tel: 01273 582333

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© 2022 Marias Home Care Companions Ltd

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